Friday, February 1, 2013

Where have you been...

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. My Master's program has gotten very intense and it has absorbed all of my time.

I did get to go out and work on a few new things today, which was nice. I got a good hour or so of practice in.

Now that I feel more comfortable in my "surroundings" I have made it my mission to get out for more whip practice. It, admittedly, took a bit of a back seat to my school work. I suppose that's not too much of a bad thing but I really would like more practice.

I do have some more personal things going on in my life right now. I am actually taking a semi-immediate trip back to where my parents live because of it in a week or two.

I suppose the biggest thing to draw from this entry is thusly: Not every month will end with hours and hours of practice logged. But that's ok. Sometimes, life takes over for reasons beyond our control. The important thing is to keep going and not give up. At this point, I have invested wwaaayyy too much time, money, and energy into this passion of mine. I will not be giving it up any time soon. No worries!!!

I want to get out again soon. Hopefully, I will have more to post then!

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

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