Friday, April 20, 2012

Week 6..Remix?

One of the things Anthony had me work on was using my full body when cracking the whip.  I decided to apply this to the traditional whip cracking method. Here is the result:

It's a bit sloppy, but this is my first time playing with movement. All of the cracks are the same as what I have been doing in my routine I've been working on.

I think with a little bit of practice, this could turn into something quite interesting.

Anyway, that's really all I have for now

(Oh and fair warning, I have a lot of work coming up. Within the next three weeks I have a showing going up along with other "super fun special" work S*** to do. Practicing might be a tad difficult. But I think I can fit it in. I want to anyway, with the fast approaching fight call I have!)

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

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