Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Toast Two Whips

Here is an "experiment I did the other week involving the same general sequence of cracks as the routine I've been working on but with two whips.

Dare I say, I like it. Although it took a little brain numbing thought to get my through it. I would occasionally forget what i was doing next as there was no longer a need to switch hand (as I have two whips) and now all of the cracks in my original routine made it in. This is simply because, in this experiment, I did what felt most natural. . Anyways, I think it turned out well.

Lots of work on my end, this weekend I'll be doing a lot of practice though in preparation for my fight call. No worries! Hang in there!

Until Next time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Friday, April 20, 2012

Week 6..Remix?

One of the things Anthony had me work on was using my full body when cracking the whip.  I decided to apply this to the traditional whip cracking method. Here is the result:

It's a bit sloppy, but this is my first time playing with movement. All of the cracks are the same as what I have been doing in my routine I've been working on.

I think with a little bit of practice, this could turn into something quite interesting.

Anyway, that's really all I have for now

(Oh and fair warning, I have a lot of work coming up. Within the next three weeks I have a showing going up along with other "super fun special" work S*** to do. Practicing might be a tad difficult. But I think I can fit it in. I want to anyway, with the fast approaching fight call I have!)

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Delongis Vs. Traditional

As I have said in past entries, The Delongis method of whip is entirely different from traditional. But don't just take my word for it. Watch this video, and hopefully, you'll see what I mean:

The pink whip shows the traditional method of cracking a whip. You can see my hand start and ends downward/outward from my body

With the brown whip, I am (more or less) using Delongis Method. With this method, the whip is moving forward/in front of my body (as opposed to outward/to the side)

 Remember, I have NOT perfected the Delongis method..or traditional. But if you look hard enough, you can still see the differences.

Like I said, out on the Ranch, I re-learned everything from square one...so it's a work in progress.

More soon.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Ranch Day 5

So my last day on the Ranch consisted of epicness. I did some target work with my whip, which was something I've always wanted to do. I've very happy I got the chance too because now I know how I can continue working on it!

I also did a lot of Blade work using Broadsword (both single and double hand) and moved into doing some Quarter Staff work as well.

To sum things up, I went in with the knowledge of rapier, whip, unarmed, and small sword (on my left hand, whip on both)

I know and the proud owner of a brain that can on both hands do the following:

Rapier, Saber, Smallsword, Unarmed, Broadsword (single and double hand), Double Sticks, Quarter Staff, and (more accurate) Whip. Not bad for 5 days.

I still have issues with my flicks utilizing the DeLongis method, but hopefully, if I continue my work, I should get that down soon enough.

I feel much more confident in my stage combat abilities and hopeful that, presuming I keep reminding myself of proper form, I should continue improving.

Alright, hopefully next time I post, I will have some videos to show. I plan to go to the park this weekend when I get home...so that I can play with my new shinies (did I mention I purchased a beautiful Spadoon and 7ft 16 plait double braided roo-hide whip!) I'm super excited to play with my new goodies! ( I refuse to call them toys because they truly are tools rather then toys)

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Ranch Day 4

Today was a lot of listening to information. Everyone was super busy so I basically was given a lot of Fighting homework to complete. It was interesting to me to receive information from homework and then apply it to actual "combat"

Bad News: I got a little overwhelmed today. I was feeling a tad down because I wanted so badly to be able to complete all of the "Simple Cracks" successfully but for some reason (even though I really do see what I'm doing wrong) I couldn't get my body to comply with orders! This happens a lot and I can onlt hope that over time, with continual practicing of the Delongis Method, it'll improve. But for now, it sucks. Luckily I have more day to take it all in. I just got to stop myself sometimes and remind myself that I've come a long way since I began whip cracking or even since I got to the Ranch in general.

Good News: I have purchase my very first Shiny!!! In a few days time, on my home doorstep, a beautiful Spadoon, or Loop Hilt Back Sword, will be arriving. I can't wait. It's beautiful, elegant, yet "deadly".  LIIIKKKEEE Me! haha. It's a fantastic piece and will allow me to practice and apply the methods I have been learning on the Ranch.

Tomorrow Anthony says we will continue whip work and also move on to two handed Broadsword and Quarter Staff with the potential of adding in a little Rapier and Dagger. AWESOME! I really can't wait!

For now, I need to rest up because tomorrow is going to be action packed.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Monday, April 9, 2012

Ranch Day 3

Once again, apologies on doing this a bit late. I find after a day of training, I am dead.

Did some combination work yesterday Remember how I said that I was basically re-learning everything from square one? Well We're onto learning "flicks" or "Simple Crack's (not so simple, the title is a lie!). Guess what? It's just as much of a bitch to learn as it was the first go-around!

All the "simple cracks" are based on the 8 lines of attack, which means there are 8 of them. Of the 8, I feel relatively confident doing....maybe 3 or 4. Technically they are all the same motion but for some reason, in my head, I make it more difficult for myself. Anyway, they are coming along as I couldn't do any  on Day 2. So here's to hoping today I can get them down...at least to some extent.

I can't believe how quickly time is moving. I also can't wait to get started again.


Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon. 

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Ranch Day 2

Sorry for the delay on this one. I was so tired last night that I just crashed. 6 hours of training is a lot for the brain. I've basically had to re-learn everything I know about whip cracking and sword fighting.

Worth it? Oh hell yes! Anthony's method is more practical for the industry I want to use it for so if I want to fight with my whips..ever..I best be learning this as well as I can.

It;s also interesting how his method applies to multiple weapons. I don't just spend my say working with whips and swords. I've also been using sticks (both single and double) as well as unarmed real- life combat. It's very interesting to see how these seemingly entirely different fields all link together. But I suppose that would be the point!

At any rate, I'm having a blast and learning a boat ton. Biggest fear: not being able to remember it all. But we're working on muscle memory so hopefully it'll be alright.

Time to start Day 3!

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Ranch Day 1

Oh my dear sweet baby Jesus, what a day!

I feel like my brain is about to explode from all of the information I have been given...it could also be from the sunburn that I am currently suffering from being that I was a doo-di-doo and didn't put sunblock on this morning..a mistake that will not happen again.

So today was my first day of training and my perspective on whips and swords has changed.

The Delongis method is one that is unique it that it is applicable to multiple weapons (it is very versatile). It is exceedingly practical, functional, logical, and efficient. You use the least amount of energy possible to create the greatest outcome. That being said, because of it's "simplicity" (in that a lot of the time, less is more in this style), it takes some getting used to.

All this while I have been taught a very particular way and this style is similar and yet very different from that so it's almost a game of mind over matter. I have to fight my brain to not do what I've been doing all this while.

Anyway, it's kind of like rubbing your head and patting your belly and then switching.

I'm very excited to keep on learning, and for now,  I need to sleep. It's been a very long day!

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Ranch Day .5

Greetings All from the Ranch!

I just arrived and settled in a few moments ago and boy am I aw-struck! This place is beautiful. The road up here was a tad of an adventure. But, like all ventures in life, it was well worth it.

It's not just the terrific view. I feel like I literally died and went to whip cracking, sword fighting, horse-back riding heaven. There's so many cool things here, words cannot describe.

Tomorrow starts training and, as I'm sure you all know by now, I cannot wait. Life is good. More to come soon!

(Pictures to come!)

Until Next Time,

Scarlett SnapDragon

Monday, April 2, 2012

Spring Forward

Alright everyone, I'm leaving in two days and words cannot express my excitement.

I went to sleep away camp growing up, and the first year I finally got to work there they had us write down on a piece of paper our hopes, dreams and fears for the summer so that we could reflect on it by the end of the summer.

So that's what I'm going to do right now:


I think it's very obvious to say I hope I come back an improved Whip Cracker. With working 6 hours a day with the man, I think it would be rather difficult for me not to at least improve a little. I also really hope that i can figure out type of leather whip I wish to purchase hopefully sooner then later.  I hope to learn more information about the whip in general. I'm planning on having whip cracking being a part of my Performing Arts Center program "when I grow up" so I need to know as much about it as I possibly can.


Gosh, wouldn't it be cool if someone super famous happen to pop by while I was there? Sure, not going to lie, it would be awesome. But I'm not exactly expecting it plus, I'm really going to be there to work, so this is simply a kind of cool thought. My real dream is to come back with my technique and abilities ten fold more advanced then what they are now. That's the end goal I am working for. Let's cross out fingers!

I was talking to someone about this just the other day. My biggest fear is to come home with no improvement whatsoever. Whip cracking does not come easy to me. I have to really practice the s*** out of everything and even then it's not always right. So this fear, while unlikely, is not totally absurd.

I will be taking pictures, and maybe, if possible, some video as well while I am out there. When I get back, expect a huge post. I am also going to try to actually post day by day so stay tuned and hopefully you'll be getting a "live news feed" so to speak!

That's all I got for now.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon