Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays Everyone!

And I say "Holidays" not because I want to be "politically correct" but more so because to me, it doesn't really matter which holiday I am celebrating. All I care about is being with the people I care about. That's what makes my holiday happy.

Here's a little whip video for you all. I hope you enjoy:

As it says in the description, if you listen carefully you can hear "We wish you a Merry Christmas".  This video was taken in between snow falling and wind blowing so there wasn't much in way of preparation involved but I wanted to make sure I was able to post something for you.

Anyway, I got to see my Brother, who lives in LA, and my Sister, who lives in Boston, and my Mom, Dad, and Bubby (jewish term for Grandmother) , who all live in New York. Hence, I am very, very happy this holiday.

I only wish I could've seen more friends but I really wanted to see my family. We don't get to be together very often. This is true now more than ever since we all live in different extremities of the country.

I hope you all are enjoying the food, the family, and merriment.

More soon, I promise.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Saturday, December 22, 2012

An Elephant's Tale

During my regular "messing around on the internet" session, I happen to stumble upon this incredible video. Originally, it caught my eye because the site I saw it on titled it "Whip It Good" and that made me happy.

So I deem this cute video relevant and incredible. Enjoy:


Hopefully, I will be getting outside today. The snow stopped for a bit (I am visiting family for the holidays). So, hopefully more video's soon!

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Sunday, December 16, 2012

What Do I Want?

I want to re-visit a question that Adam "Crack" asked me.

What do I want to do with my whip cracking?

As I said in a previous post, the question left me feeling perplexed. Until just now, I don't think I had a clear vision in my head of what I wanted out of my Whips. But now, I think I have the answer:

I want to be known as an Academic Master of Whip Cracking. That is to say, I want to be able to be that person who know to the fullest extent what a whip can and can't do. I want to both be able to perform and comprehend on an advanced level.

I have always wanted to know everything about anything and now, I feel, I have found my "anything".

So, there you have it.

Update on the epically awesome coolness that is this whip video in progress: My friend has his hands on it. Keep looking back! Finals are going on so everyone is a little stressed with the amount of work that needs to be completed.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Friday, December 14, 2012

I'll tell you what I want.

In my head, I have all of these epic routines work out.

In my head, I have all of these fantastically staged pieces of art.

And in my head, I have these magnificently detailed costumes.

What are these costumes, you may be asking? Well I'll tell you!

1. The Circus Ring Master
While this seems like a "duh!" statement, when you say whips, I think circus. I am slowly piecing together a totally cheesy but totally epic routine involving..you guessed it, a circus. I want some classy, yet edgy that will allow for total mobility without having to feel exposed.

2. Indiana Jane
I love Indiana Jones is one of the most epically awesome Hollywood whip crackers I know of. Sure, Catwomen has her moment. But when we really get down to the "nitty- gritty" of it all, Indiana Jones is (WARNING: Explicit language about to be used!) one badass mother f*****! And I want to honor that in an epic dual between myself and some obstacles. In my head, there are pyro-technics galore along with a large boulder and some arrows..but there are more practical ideas I have too. Can't hurt a girl for dreaming.

3. Cow Girl
Again with the "duh!" statement, but the classics simply can't be ignore. I want my Scarlett SnapDragon Cowgirl outfit! This one is a little easier for me to try and make a reality because most of the components it entails can be worn on a regular basis. (I can justify purchasing a pair of boots more easily than a circus jacket for the same price)

4. Renaissance "Vixen"
I love the Renaissance...like I've said over and over, I worked at a Renaissance Faire for three years. I hate to use the word "vixen" because that's not truly what I mean. What I do mean is I want a very unique and stunning Renaissance costume that is not clingy, easy to move in, not too revealing, and overall comfortable. This costume would probably lean more towards the "Gypsy" persuasion but perhaps I could describe it better if I knew what I was looking for exactly.

5. 1920's Flapper Girl
This one may seem a tad odd but I have a reason for it. I have this musical number worked out in my head that I think would be brilliant if performed in a 1920's flapper girl-esque costume. Let's just say, you're going to have to trust me on this one. It would be awesome.

I get more ideas everyday. I have SO many thoughts that I am excited to actually put into place.

More to come!

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Back in the Game

Hey Everyone!!!

So I am FINALLY feeling settled in my new place, which means I should be getting back into the swing of posting more videos!!

At my school I have met some new folks, many who are gifted in the ways of video editing. One of these individuals I have met mentioned turning one of my whipping videos into an epic load of hilarious awesome. Here's the original video:

Let's see if this individual follows through!

In other news, I found out some...interesting information today. In Disney World they have an Indiana Jones Stunt Show. I was super excited because they use whips in this show and starting asking questions. Basically, only Indiana gets to crack a whip, which is totally lame! So, I am writing a letter to the CEO of Disney telling him or her why they should have a female whip cracker in this show and that I am the perfect one for the job.

I don't expect to hear back. In fact, I imagine it will end up in the virtual trash can. However, you don't get anywhere in life by just letting chances pass you by without doing anything about it.

Wish me luck!

Until Next Time

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Checking In

Hey Everyone!

First: here is a video for you all!

That being said, I'm doing ok. My parents and Aunt and Uncle came and helped me move in...thank god. I couldn't have done it without them. At this point, it feels like I've lived here for years. However, i am exhausted and overloaded with work. I should be able to get out soon. I'm hoping to get my projects done today or tomorrow and take the weekend to get some good practice in.

Here's to hoping!

Wish me luck.

That's all for now.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Sunday, November 18, 2012

But There Still Be Many Miles to Go

Greetings one and all,

As I have said, I am moving 1,000 miles away to complete my Master's Degree. Well, today marks the beginning of the end of the moving day. We are loading up my car with my Fiance's final stuff then tomorrow, loading up a 16ft truck, and then finally leaving for good on Tuesday. Scary Times. I think the weirdest thing for me is that I'm moving to a place where I literally know 2 people. I think every "young person" goes through this at about this point in their lives, so it's good to know I'm not alone.

Anyway, as far as whip cracking is concerned, this is not the end of my rope. I have much to much to learn and I feel that my journey has just begun on that front. So stay tuned, more to come. I just have a lot of moving and settling in to do so it might take a while.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! (In case I don't get to say it before the big Turkey Day)

Don't push anyone over on Black Friday.

That's all for now.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Snap, Crack, and Poppers

So while stuck in Texas (I kid you not, I was, in fact, stuck in Texas) I did get the epic opportunity to actually get a lesson from Adam "Crack" Winrich himself.

He was able to show me some cool things and definitely gave me some food for thought. I think one of the biggest things that "tickled my thinking cap" was when he asked me about where I wanted to take my whip cracking. It was then that I realized I really had no idea how to answer that question. Where do I want to take my whip cracking? Do I want to compete? Well maybe, one day. Although admittedly that urge does not necessarily drive me in my pursuit for Whip Cracking knowledge. Do I want to perform? Well yes, but I don't want to run the faire circuit. To be honest, I hate moving around and I don't think I could handle traveling gypsy-style from one faire to another for an extended period of time. So...what do I want?

I know I want to apply the Whip to Stage Combat..but it does not just end there. I want to explore the whip both as a weapon and a tool of performance. I want to integrate it into dance and fight sequence alike. I want to get all the knowledge I can about it so that I can take what I learn and use it in whatever situation come my way or however I deem worthy.

Gosh, that sounds so vague. But I promise, it makes sense in my head.

At any rate, I had a lot of fun and learned a lot on my trip to Texas.

Today is my Birthday and I am about to move 1,000 miles away (give or take) to get complete a Master's Degree Program. So here's to adventures, knowledge, and growth.

That's all for now.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Peacock Play

Alrighty folks,

So to sum things up, there is no electricity at my parent's/grandmother's house along with some minor damage which is good news.

I am also in the middle of moving over one thousand miles away which I am very excited for. I *hopefully* will be filming a short fun video that was meant for halloween next week so..fingers crossed?

In the meantime, HAPPY NOVEMBER HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! I love Halloween. It's my favorite holiday. So, since Halloween got cancelled this year, I am doing a small ode to Halloween...whip cracking style.

I have to say, watching this video makes me feel proud. I feel like it's the first time I feel like I've performed in a way that is fluid, fun, and consistent. Any way, I hope you enjoy!

Some challenges: the feathers kept getting caught. But I found this easy to avoid once I got a good handle on where the feathers on my bustle and in my head were catching and when. Some minor adjustments were made and it turned out pretty good. At least, I think so anyway.

That's all for now.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Monday, November 5, 2012

Hurricane Update

Hey everyone!

I have a lot of news to talk about but very little time to actually blog about it. My family is still power-less from Hurricane Sandy. Hang in there! I should be able to get some good time in tomorrow.

On my trip I was able to accumulate 2 more hours of whip practice.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon.


Monday, October 29, 2012

Oh Sandy.

So I had some epic ideas for a Halloween video but in light of recent weather conditions it would be impossible. Please stay tuned and I hope everyone out there is staying smart an safe. I know my family are definitely seeing the wrath of Sandy.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Friday, October 19, 2012

October: The Best Month Ever

Aside from this being my favorite month of the year, there are actual reasons else wise I would consider this month kick-ass.

The first being the fact that I am going to visit the muchly talked about Texas Renaissance Festival. Not only will I be able to experience one of the largest (if not the largest) ren fest in the nation, but I will also get the opportunity to meet the iconic Adam "Crack" Winrich. Needless to say, I am very stoked.

Another fun thing about this month is is I get to use it as an excuse to explore costuming and how it effects whip cracking performance. Yay dress up! If you haven't guessed by now, yes. There will be videos of me in several costumes coming up shortly.

In the meantime, bare with me as I am moving over 1,000 miles away within the next month and starting in on my Masters Degree.

1 more hour of whip practice logged.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

10,000 or Bust

They say in order to be a true "Master" at anything, you need to spend 10,000 hours doing it.

While I never anticipate traveling the world and living off of my whip cracking skills, the idea of being able to physically count down the amount of hours until you're a "Master" intrigues me.

Granted, it's not a perfect equation. I mean, you could practice and practice and practice anything and be doing it wrong (and therefore never get any better). But, like I said, there is something fun ad amusing about counting it out.

So I "guesstimate" that I have spent somewhere along the lines of 300 hours cracking my whip. (I get this number from the fact that I have been whip cracking for 2-3 years now and on average practiced about 2-3 hours every week give or take)

So the count starts now:


Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Mathematics of Whip Cracking

I was discussing "whip cracking theory" with my Fiance, and I think I'm on to something.

In my experience and from what I have seen in other whip-crackers, there is a psuedo "formula" to creating a successful crack.

The "formula" I have figured is as follows:

Effort+Speed+Timing=Crack, where the amount of Effort=Speed  and Timing=Effort.

All three of these elements are incredibly important and must weighed the same.  They can all increase or decrease, but they all must be equal in order to achieve a crack.

For example, to put it into numbers:


You can also do:


But you cannot have:


because then the equation would be wrong.

It may not be the perfect analogy but I think there is something to it. You need to put in the right amount of effort/strength, with the proper timing and speed.

There are other components (such as body positioning and the like) that do play a part in getting a crack, but as I said before, it's not a perfect analogy.

Anyway, just a thought I had and wished to share.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Three Heads are Better then One

As I have mentioned in earlier posts, I work at a Renaissance Faire where I do some whip cracking.

Myself, along with two males, were asked to do a whip "solo" for the big end of the day dance spectacular. This is what we three put together:

Even though most of it is basic crack, I think it looks pretty cool. It would be more fun for us if there were more tricky combos going on. But, then again, most audience members wouldn't know the difference anyway (emphasis on MOST haha). The field we do this in is pretty large too. So, from far away, I imagine it looks a bit epic

Hope you enjoy!!!!

More soon!

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Around the Hoop and Back Again

So remember how I told you I was experimenting with various costuming obstacles? Well here's another! A hoop Skirt..A Big. Bad. Hoop Skirt. It's huge, it's wide. and god know it's in the way.

At any rate, here is the video:

I'm not too sure why, but I look insanely peeved in this video. I want to say that's my "I'm concentrating face" but that would be a lie. I have no excuses aside from: it's just the look on my face haha!

It wasn't as difficult as I thought is was going to be. Which is the good news. I do figure that if I were wearing a skirt on top of the hoop, I'd have a much more difficult time due to snagging and all.

Perhaps for another time?

More soon!

That's all for now!

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

My first BullWhip

I am very excited to announced I have officially made my very own BullWhip for the very first time!!!!....with some help.

As I mentioned in a previous post, Adam Winrich posted a youtube video on how to make a whip. I decided to try it out. Here is the result:

Pros: The whip is load and pretty fluid. Not to mention, super inexpensive and simple to make. Take about 30-45min depending. And it costs about 25$ to make per whip.

Cons: Volleys are kind of difficult to do on it because of the structure of the whip (or at least I think it has to do with the structure).  Also, I can't imagine it'll outlast my nylon ones...but then again there is a humongous price difference and..this is my first whip I've ever made. Sooooo yea.

Anyways, overall I am very happy with it. Thought I would share :)

That's all for now. More soon.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Moving on Up

Hey everyone!

New videos very soon, I promise!

At any rate, I have been stupid busy with my day job putting on several shows over the past few weeks.

The good news is Bryan and I have been playing with making rope whips (ala Adam Winrich, if you are interested check out his youtube video on it) and I have to say I am very pleased with how these whips are coming out.

They are not excellent whips...not by a long shot. However, they are definitely decent. They make good sound and honestly, when they cost only $25 a whip, you can't really ask for much more. I can't attest to how long they last but, like I said, they are cheap and relatively easy to make so for someone who needs a whip right away and doesn't have $150 (give or take) to spend, I'd say go for it. It would definitely get the job done.

I'll post a video soon of me using one and you'll be able to see it in action!

Bare with me folks!

That's all for now.

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Friday, July 20, 2012

Howdy Y'all!

Hey Everyone!

So I'm super excited to announce that I have officially booked my trip to go to the Texas Renaissance Festival! Why would this be exciting you say? Well, this happens to be one of the festivals where Adam Winrich performs at!!! (Which means I get to meet him in person, in case you haven't put two and two together yet haha)

I cannot wait!!! I'm going to try and shoot him a message beforehand, just sort of to give him the heads up that I would love to speak with him once he has a spare moment.


More exciting news is that I have a Whip solo at the Faire I work at which is cool. Yay!

I have to say, I am super busy/tired/crazed running around as much as I am but I think it's so going to be worth it.

As far as whipping, I am going to continue my work with different types of dresses/costuming but I also have some other things I hope to work on in the next months or so.

Stay tuned!

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Monday, July 9, 2012

Whip Meets Skirt

So, rumor has it that "You can't whip in skirts!!!"....yyyeeaa...Let me explain something to you all. When someone tells me "you can't", my usual response is "watch me". I've never liked being told I couldn't do something and am always determined to proving those "nah-sayiers" wrong.

That being said, I've decided to shoot a small serious of videos of me whip cracking in different levels of skirt. This first video is of me in an A-line prom tulle prom dress that I used when I was in high school. I was shocked that it fit (if not a size too big) and found it only mildly challenging to whip crack in. The biggest challenge was making sure the whip did not snag in the skirt. But since my whip was dry and the tulle of the skirt did not really catch the nylon of the whip, I was more or less in good shape.

What you'll also notice is I added a veil more so for the added fun/challenge. The veil definitely limited my viewing capabilities...but that being said, this only poses a slight extra challenge.

Here's the video with my Bullwhip:

Here's the video with my Double Stocks:

I'm super happy to be working on this and am rather enjoying playing around with various  elements of costuming that may prove difficult. Each outfit I whip crack in add a new element of challenge (in a sort of manner anyways!)

I plan on doing this in another ballgown I have that is more flowy and a hoop skirt with bum role. I also have some shorter skirts I might add into the mix while I am at it.

Stay Tuned,

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Monday, July 2, 2012

See No Evil

After having seen a few Whip crackers perform double stocks blindfolded I felt it was time to give it a go.

First things that came to mind: What's the big deal? You're just moving your arms exactly the same way as you would if you weren't blindfolded.

Once I was experimenting with it, I realized that yes, you are still moving exactly the same but there is something to be said about not being able to visually see where your whips/audience are.

When you are blindfolded, you become much more aware of how the whips feel in your hand. After all, you are no longer able to see if they are tangled or not. So, you listen carefully and feel the pull of your whips. It's definitely an interesting sensation.

Here's how it turned out for me:

As you can see, I rotated slighting too much (or perhaps too little) on my last spinny-do-hickey. So by the end I'm at a sort of diagonal to the camera. That's not so bad. What you might be able to see is I totally thought my whips were tangled at the very end and that I was going to hit myself in the head. (Hence the slight flinch)

This was a lot of fun. And, with the right flashy blindfold, could be very intriguing to an audience. While not entirely complex, there are some challenges to it. I would love to do this while balancing on something to sort of "one up" the "trick". Awesome Sauce!

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Up and Coming Events

So I have good news and bad news.

Bad news is that I am working 7 days a week and the likelihood of new videos being posted on my Youtube channel are slim to none.

Good news is that I will now have computer access mostly every day now AND I am guessing that (because of my whip work at the faire) I will have probably interesting things to talk about.

Keep your eyes peeled for a new video I shot during the week this past week. It's a "blind folded" whip routine that is interesting. I'm looking forward to sharing it with you all!

I am participating in a parade tomorrow which will *hopefully* involve me whip cracking. Always fun. Although admittedly I get afraid of damaging my whips on the pavement. I opt to do cracks that make sure the whip stays off the ground as much as humanly possible.  I am very excited!

Wish me luck and...

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The road ahead

Hey there guys and ghouls

Gosh, it feels like forever since I was able to post!

It's been super crazy on my end what with both of my summer jobs kicking into gear but no worries, I am still practicing. Part of one of my jobs involves doing this crazy super epic dance with the whip so lucky for me I get to work and whip all in one!

At any rate, I also have some exciting news that's only sort of whip related: I'm engaged!!! (whip related because my fiancé is also a whip cracker (I know most of you were thinking something dirty >_<. ). Anyway, now I he a wedding to plan so that's going to be fun

In other news, I'm planning a mini trip to see Adam Winrich, which is exciting. He seems like a cool guy so I'm very much so looking forward to meeting him and watching his performance.

I'm also considering going to a convention/competition in the fall which would be interesting. The only problem is the timing might not work out because I'm moving at that time but even still, the potential is exciting to me

Also, I've been in touch with a few high schools and they are very interested in having me come in to work with the students on the practical historical and theatrical uses of the whip. (also wry exciting!)

So in brief lots of new exciting things going on. Should be posting again soon (thank god for smart phones!)

Keep an eye open for a " how to make a popper " video I'm posting.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Friday, June 1, 2012

Fairy Good for a First Try

Alright, So as many of you may (or may not know) I spend my summers, more often then not, pretending to be a fairy working at a renaissance faire. It sort of got me thinking. What would happen if I created some sort of "whip dance" and used it as my fairy? BRILLIANT!!

Naturally, I got to work. This is what came of it:

A little hap hazard, I know. But to be honest, I'm not really a dancer. I do have some background in Belly Dancing and I have taken a few dance classes before but surely not enough to really say I have "Mastered" the art in any way shape or form This was also my first attempt at "whip dancing". I think with a little polish, it could go a long way.

Unfortunately, I don't think this idea will really go anywhere as far as appearing at faire. But I think it would be fun to play with anyways. And who knows?  Can't hurt a girl for trying.

Heads up: The next few months are going to be hectic as both of my summer jobs are headed into full swing.  I swear, I will not forget about you all!

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Friday, May 25, 2012

News and an Apology

Alright so let's start with the apology. I am sorry I've been a tad incognito. Its been extremely busy. I have also been out of reach of a proper computer over the last week or so. Not that it's an excuse but still just throwing that out there.  I would also like to warn you that from end of June -beginning of August, I will be EXTREMELY busy working 2 jobs trying to save up for when school begins again. So just an FYI.

And now for the news!!!:

I heard back from the folks I did an audition for and they want me! Yay! I will not be doing as much fighting as I had hoped for but I still very happy I am doing something. I think it's going to be an awesome experience regardless because I am new to the stage combat realm and this will be my first official fighting gig. YAY!

More good news is I have some new videos up on YouTube, if you want a sneak peak at what I am going to be talking about in the near future.

I am also in the works of putting together a presentation to bring around to high schools in my area discussing the whip as a weapon/ its uses in stage combat. My biggest challenge will be making it long enough and entertaining at the same time. We shall have to see!

I will post again soon!

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Moving Right Along

So I'm still waiting to hear back from my fight call (although I was informed that another week is going to be required so I'm not concerned)

It's a beautiful day today, so I am headed out. I'm going to focus on cracking combo's that'll work well when wearing very unusual costumes that may limit the possibilities.

More Very soon! I promise!!!!!!!!!!

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Low Clearance

So as most of you may or may not know, a lot of my whip cracking is focused on the intention for it to be used in a Theatrical Setting.  A lot of times, I am working in a theatre with little to no fly space. AKA: NO ROOM ABOVE MY HEAD!!!!. This makes it very difficult to actually do on crack which falls along a vertical plain. I suppose flicks would be the exception because you don't need space for the swing up.

At any rate, here is a video of something I was playing with:

Information: I was asked to do this musical number in a showcase involving my whip. However, there are very few 8 counts to play with (hence the brief length of the whip cracking).

I think I'm going to play with this more, as the possibilities are endless with some imagination. So stay tuned, this weekend is supposed to be beautiful as far as the weather is concerned. I should be able to get to the park!

Side note: No word back from my fight call. They said I should hear within a week or two (last week) so this week starts the beginning of the waiting period. Stay tuned on that note!

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Thursday, May 10, 2012

What a To Do To Die Today

Hey there guys,

Sorry I've been a tad incognito lately. I've been stupidly busy the past week although next week things should be lightening up (or if not next week the week after for sure!)

I'm going to be going to the park this weekend to work on a few things so stay tuned.

As far as my callbacks are concerned, only time will tell. I think I did alright but honestly it's very difficult to say. They said I should hear back from them within two weeks (from Sunday), possibly a week if I was lucky. So starting Monday I'm going to be practically attached to my phone. I will keep you all posted though.

At any rate, some fun news is that the director of this showcase I am taking part in is allowing me to use my whip during a musical number.  I think it's pretty cool. Show goes up next week, I'll let you know how that pans out too.

That's really all I got for now.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Fight Call

Alright Guys and Ghouls,

Tomorrow I have a fight call that I am super excited for, so please send me all the good luck vibes you can because I am so going for it. Ordinarily I'd say I'm nervous but to be honest, I'm mostly excited to just get fighting.

My fears: to screw up
My Hopes: to rock out loud and kick ass
My Dream: To do so well that they hire me to play the character I want

I'll keep you all posted on what happens.

At any rate, Busy week this week but hopefully will have some more videos up soon

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Everybody was Bull Whip Fighting!

And now....Ladies and Gents..I present to you...a much awaited video..that's right..a BULL WHIP VS BULL WHIP FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Cue "Eye of the Tiger" Music*

Imagine this:

Two Whip crackers from the same shire, both claiming to be the best. But there's only 1 way to prove it (DUM DUM DDUUUHHHHH!!!!) A Duel of Whips! Man vs Fe Man! Skill versus skill.

Now, without further ado, I present:

Bryan (My boyfriend) and I only worked on this for maybe 2 hours. We both choreographed it together and seeing as neither of us have done anything like this before, I think came out ok. It's a tad slow (1/4-1/2 the performance speed) but even still not so bad. There are definitely places for improvement and we would love to add to it to make it longer/more cracking balanced (you can see he cracks the whip a lot more then I do, so we would like to try to even it out a bit).  At any rate, I hope you enjoy it (despite the cheeseyness of it's intro!)

I have a fight call coming up this week so wish me luck!

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Toast Two Whips

Here is an "experiment I did the other week involving the same general sequence of cracks as the routine I've been working on but with two whips.

Dare I say, I like it. Although it took a little brain numbing thought to get my through it. I would occasionally forget what i was doing next as there was no longer a need to switch hand (as I have two whips) and now all of the cracks in my original routine made it in. This is simply because, in this experiment, I did what felt most natural. . Anyways, I think it turned out well.

Lots of work on my end, this weekend I'll be doing a lot of practice though in preparation for my fight call. No worries! Hang in there!

Until Next time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Friday, April 20, 2012

Week 6..Remix?

One of the things Anthony had me work on was using my full body when cracking the whip.  I decided to apply this to the traditional whip cracking method. Here is the result:

It's a bit sloppy, but this is my first time playing with movement. All of the cracks are the same as what I have been doing in my routine I've been working on.

I think with a little bit of practice, this could turn into something quite interesting.

Anyway, that's really all I have for now

(Oh and fair warning, I have a lot of work coming up. Within the next three weeks I have a showing going up along with other "super fun special" work S*** to do. Practicing might be a tad difficult. But I think I can fit it in. I want to anyway, with the fast approaching fight call I have!)

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Delongis Vs. Traditional

As I have said in past entries, The Delongis method of whip is entirely different from traditional. But don't just take my word for it. Watch this video, and hopefully, you'll see what I mean:

The pink whip shows the traditional method of cracking a whip. You can see my hand start and ends downward/outward from my body

With the brown whip, I am (more or less) using Delongis Method. With this method, the whip is moving forward/in front of my body (as opposed to outward/to the side)

 Remember, I have NOT perfected the Delongis method..or traditional. But if you look hard enough, you can still see the differences.

Like I said, out on the Ranch, I re-learned everything from square one...so it's a work in progress.

More soon.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Ranch Day 5

So my last day on the Ranch consisted of epicness. I did some target work with my whip, which was something I've always wanted to do. I've very happy I got the chance too because now I know how I can continue working on it!

I also did a lot of Blade work using Broadsword (both single and double hand) and moved into doing some Quarter Staff work as well.

To sum things up, I went in with the knowledge of rapier, whip, unarmed, and small sword (on my left hand, whip on both)

I know and the proud owner of a brain that can on both hands do the following:

Rapier, Saber, Smallsword, Unarmed, Broadsword (single and double hand), Double Sticks, Quarter Staff, and (more accurate) Whip. Not bad for 5 days.

I still have issues with my flicks utilizing the DeLongis method, but hopefully, if I continue my work, I should get that down soon enough.

I feel much more confident in my stage combat abilities and hopeful that, presuming I keep reminding myself of proper form, I should continue improving.

Alright, hopefully next time I post, I will have some videos to show. I plan to go to the park this weekend when I get home...so that I can play with my new shinies (did I mention I purchased a beautiful Spadoon and 7ft 16 plait double braided roo-hide whip!) I'm super excited to play with my new goodies! ( I refuse to call them toys because they truly are tools rather then toys)

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Ranch Day 4

Today was a lot of listening to information. Everyone was super busy so I basically was given a lot of Fighting homework to complete. It was interesting to me to receive information from homework and then apply it to actual "combat"

Bad News: I got a little overwhelmed today. I was feeling a tad down because I wanted so badly to be able to complete all of the "Simple Cracks" successfully but for some reason (even though I really do see what I'm doing wrong) I couldn't get my body to comply with orders! This happens a lot and I can onlt hope that over time, with continual practicing of the Delongis Method, it'll improve. But for now, it sucks. Luckily I have more day to take it all in. I just got to stop myself sometimes and remind myself that I've come a long way since I began whip cracking or even since I got to the Ranch in general.

Good News: I have purchase my very first Shiny!!! In a few days time, on my home doorstep, a beautiful Spadoon, or Loop Hilt Back Sword, will be arriving. I can't wait. It's beautiful, elegant, yet "deadly".  LIIIKKKEEE Me! haha. It's a fantastic piece and will allow me to practice and apply the methods I have been learning on the Ranch.

Tomorrow Anthony says we will continue whip work and also move on to two handed Broadsword and Quarter Staff with the potential of adding in a little Rapier and Dagger. AWESOME! I really can't wait!

For now, I need to rest up because tomorrow is going to be action packed.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Monday, April 9, 2012

Ranch Day 3

Once again, apologies on doing this a bit late. I find after a day of training, I am dead.

Did some combination work yesterday Remember how I said that I was basically re-learning everything from square one? Well We're onto learning "flicks" or "Simple Crack's (not so simple, the title is a lie!). Guess what? It's just as much of a bitch to learn as it was the first go-around!

All the "simple cracks" are based on the 8 lines of attack, which means there are 8 of them. Of the 8, I feel relatively confident doing....maybe 3 or 4. Technically they are all the same motion but for some reason, in my head, I make it more difficult for myself. Anyway, they are coming along as I couldn't do any  on Day 2. So here's to hoping today I can get them down...at least to some extent.

I can't believe how quickly time is moving. I also can't wait to get started again.


Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon. 

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Ranch Day 2

Sorry for the delay on this one. I was so tired last night that I just crashed. 6 hours of training is a lot for the brain. I've basically had to re-learn everything I know about whip cracking and sword fighting.

Worth it? Oh hell yes! Anthony's method is more practical for the industry I want to use it for so if I want to fight with my whips..ever..I best be learning this as well as I can.

It;s also interesting how his method applies to multiple weapons. I don't just spend my say working with whips and swords. I've also been using sticks (both single and double) as well as unarmed real- life combat. It's very interesting to see how these seemingly entirely different fields all link together. But I suppose that would be the point!

At any rate, I'm having a blast and learning a boat ton. Biggest fear: not being able to remember it all. But we're working on muscle memory so hopefully it'll be alright.

Time to start Day 3!

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Ranch Day 1

Oh my dear sweet baby Jesus, what a day!

I feel like my brain is about to explode from all of the information I have been given...it could also be from the sunburn that I am currently suffering from being that I was a doo-di-doo and didn't put sunblock on this morning..a mistake that will not happen again.

So today was my first day of training and my perspective on whips and swords has changed.

The Delongis method is one that is unique it that it is applicable to multiple weapons (it is very versatile). It is exceedingly practical, functional, logical, and efficient. You use the least amount of energy possible to create the greatest outcome. That being said, because of it's "simplicity" (in that a lot of the time, less is more in this style), it takes some getting used to.

All this while I have been taught a very particular way and this style is similar and yet very different from that so it's almost a game of mind over matter. I have to fight my brain to not do what I've been doing all this while.

Anyway, it's kind of like rubbing your head and patting your belly and then switching.

I'm very excited to keep on learning, and for now,  I need to sleep. It's been a very long day!

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Ranch Day .5

Greetings All from the Ranch!

I just arrived and settled in a few moments ago and boy am I aw-struck! This place is beautiful. The road up here was a tad of an adventure. But, like all ventures in life, it was well worth it.

It's not just the terrific view. I feel like I literally died and went to whip cracking, sword fighting, horse-back riding heaven. There's so many cool things here, words cannot describe.

Tomorrow starts training and, as I'm sure you all know by now, I cannot wait. Life is good. More to come soon!

(Pictures to come!)

Until Next Time,

Scarlett SnapDragon

Monday, April 2, 2012

Spring Forward

Alright everyone, I'm leaving in two days and words cannot express my excitement.

I went to sleep away camp growing up, and the first year I finally got to work there they had us write down on a piece of paper our hopes, dreams and fears for the summer so that we could reflect on it by the end of the summer.

So that's what I'm going to do right now:


I think it's very obvious to say I hope I come back an improved Whip Cracker. With working 6 hours a day with the man, I think it would be rather difficult for me not to at least improve a little. I also really hope that i can figure out type of leather whip I wish to purchase hopefully sooner then later.  I hope to learn more information about the whip in general. I'm planning on having whip cracking being a part of my Performing Arts Center program "when I grow up" so I need to know as much about it as I possibly can.


Gosh, wouldn't it be cool if someone super famous happen to pop by while I was there? Sure, not going to lie, it would be awesome. But I'm not exactly expecting it plus, I'm really going to be there to work, so this is simply a kind of cool thought. My real dream is to come back with my technique and abilities ten fold more advanced then what they are now. That's the end goal I am working for. Let's cross out fingers!

I was talking to someone about this just the other day. My biggest fear is to come home with no improvement whatsoever. Whip cracking does not come easy to me. I have to really practice the s*** out of everything and even then it's not always right. So this fear, while unlikely, is not totally absurd.

I will be taking pictures, and maybe, if possible, some video as well while I am out there. When I get back, expect a huge post. I am also going to try to actually post day by day so stay tuned and hopefully you'll be getting a "live news feed" so to speak!

That's all I got for now.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Monday, March 26, 2012

This is a Test

In precisely T-minus 9 days, I leave for the Ranch. I cannot wait. It's going to be amazing! I get to A. Practice and Study the Whip (with a little Rapier on the side) B. Practice and Study the Whip with someone who's a Master at it and C. Get to Practice and Study the Whip in a location that is absolutely gorgeous. What could be better?

So I was suggested by a new Whip Cracking Buddy of mine named Daniel to try out some exercises. When he first suggested them I though, "Really? That's it? Alright, I'll try it but I know I can do that already"......(*cough cough* WRONG). Since I'm open to trying *almost* anything once and this guy knows what he's doing, I figured I'd better give it try despite any feelings of "well I can do that".

Here are the results:

This first exercise was to help me get used to my double whips. It forces my brain to have my body to two things at once, as simple as they may be. Let me tell you, it was like a tongue twister for my body. (as evident by the expression on my face)

If you'll excuse my language: Jesus Mother Fuck that was tricky. Once I got my volley's going and then started doing the cattlemen's, my brain would go into overload. I was never very good at multi-tasking so this was crazy for me.

This second exercise has to do with slowing everything down.

What I learned from this was, It's easier to speed things up...but a lot harder to slow things down. While I did get through the "Four Corners" fairly well, it took a lot of concentration. I found myself pushing to speed things up, and I would have to really focus on keeping it slow.

Lesson learned: Listen to your elders, they know what they are doing. Haha. In all seriousness though, These exercises are great, and I'm excited to keep trying them because I feel that they are 100% going to only help my technique and knowledge of the whip.

Fair Warning: This week is very busy for me. I have a show I'm working on that is up and I have a fundraiser that's an all night/day affair coming up this week too. So It may take a while for me to post again/have more videos. But, rest assured I will be keeping you all posted on my journey to the Ranch, thank god for smart phones!

Alright everyone, wish me a Bon Voyage and I will probably be seeing you on the Ranch, if not a tad sooner!

That's all I got for now.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Many Miles to Go

T-minus two weeks until the Ranch people! I am static! Particularly because I have a super packed two weeks which means *hopefully* it'll go by fast.

I had received Anthony's whip cracking videos as a Christmas/Chanuka present (I am Jew...ish with a little christian blood in me by birth) and one of the things Anthony goes over is a thing he calls the "Four Corners".

Here's my attempt at it:

To be honest, I am not 100% certain I am doing it correctly. I'm hoping to get more specific instruction when I get out tot he Ranch. I'm also thinking of re-visiting the part in the video where he goes over this. That would probably help! haha.

Anyways, I'm hoping this Saturday will be nice enough weather to hit the park.

That's all for now!

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Week 5: Feeling the Jive

First off I would like to announce that I finally got to break out my whips this weekend..thank god! It was so sad to be all cooped up in my room with my whip bag sitting in the corner untouched (as I'm sure I've mentioned several times at this point)

Any who, moving right along this is week 5 of my "flick combo" I've been working on and I'm happy to say that it only took 1 take to get it right. All the other video's of this combo that I've posted took a few, so 1 take is an accomplishment.

Here it is:

Definitely feeling more relaxed with this. And It has helped me be able to do at least 5 flicks in a row successfully (ie my flicks are much more consistent then they were before). Feeling good, feeling good.

That's all I got for now. More soon to come!

Until Next Time,
Scarlett SnapDragon

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Setting The Record Straight

Hey everyone.

So I just wanted to clear something up. I've gotten a lot of "invitations" over the past three months to join"alternative lifestyle" groups from people who have either read my blog or seen my videos. Not that I have anything against those people who choose that lifestyle, I just have no interest in it.

My whip cracking is a sport and an art, not a sexual fetish, not for me. I appreciate the sentiment but honestly, I really am not interested.

Don't take this as an insult. I think everyone is entitled to be happy and do what they feel is right so long as it doesn't physically harm anyone else who chooses a different path. It's just I am find those matters personal and private.  Just as I respect someone who wants to do wild and crazy things, I want to be respected for my decisions too.

So Thank you, I do appreciate the thought but I would like to politely decline from all invitations henceforth.

That being said, I'm hoping to get some practice outside this week. It might be a tad difficult because I have a lot to do this week. But, I think I can find some time. I'm going to try anyways.

That's all for now.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Monday, March 12, 2012

Good News Bad News

I'll start with the bad news:

Because of the stupid amounts of work i had to do this past week, I was unable to get any practice in. Sad times, I have to say. I was busy working and looking at my whip bag in the corner of my room, un-touched in almost a week. It was heartbreaking.

The good news, however, is that because I worked so hard this past week, I might be able to squeeze some practice in this week. YAY! I'm really hoping to sharpen my skills before heading off to the DeLongis Ranch. I am super excited for it!

Anyway, that's really all for now.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Warning: Rough Roads Ahead

At the moment I am working on a show as a Makeup Designer and it is going to be performed in a few weeks time....This means that I am going into panic mode as I scrabble through all of my papers and actors to get them looking like perfection.

That being said, I am hopeful yet doubtful I will be able to get out and practice a lot in the coming weeks...-sad llama-. We shall have to wait and see if I can squeeze some time in somewhere. Even if I could practice for 10 minutes once a week, that's way better then nothing. SO, cross your fingers folks. I would really love to keep up the work.

That being said, I would like to show you my videos.

This is the first week I ever did that combination I've been working on (Although honestly, I could have sworn I've been working on it longer..odd how time goes. I suppose with delays on uploading, and practicing 5 days later rather then a week later, things tend to shift ):

Here's my latest on that:

Improvement? I think so!  I feel like in the second one, I'm much more fluid and my cracks are more consistent. Go works in progress, Go!

Like I said, I am going to try my darndest to get in some sort of practice this week. My usual day is has been already eaten up by research and shopping for supplies for the show. Hopefully, That won't take all day and by the evening I will have a few moments to spare. That would be awesome.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon. 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

DeLongis Time I Have Dreamed...

..if you'll pardon the pun. So, in 1 MONTH I will be starting my training with Master Anthony DeLongis and I CAN NOT WAIT! I am absolutely stoked beyond compare. So in preparation for that, I am going to (in brief) take a look at what I have done in the past 2 or so month to help prepare.

Here is my first video I ever posted on YouTube (One whip):

Here is one of the first video's I've posted with two whips:

Here is the lastest with one whip:

And here is one of my latest with two whips:

I don't know about all y'all, but I see a world of difference. If I keep this up, I will improve a little more over the next month and Anthony will be a little impressed with all of my hard work...at least that is the hope!

Anyways, I'm feeling great about this and cannot wait to crack my whips on the Ranch.

That's all for now.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Week 4, Ready for Some More?

Alright everyone, this is week 4 of me practicing this routine and can I say that I am truly proud of myself. The cracks are becoming more consistant and I think this whole experience had helped to improve my overall technique outside of this combination.

So here's last week's video:

Not bad aside from the line moving down the back of the wall that is wiggin' me out a little bit (haha)

And now for this weeks:

Once again, I feel that I see some good improvements. Which, may I say, feel awesome.

That's all for now.

Until Next Time,
Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thought into Practice

So remember that thought I had last time? Well I put it into practice using it in double time AND creating a routine for me to work on!

I am especially happy about this because this routine will prove to be both satisfying (in that I do know a lot of the crack involved) and challenging (in that there are still things to work on)

Can I get an Amen?

I had a video-taping spree today so much more to come soon!

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Just a Thought...

Hey all!

So while I was practicing my whips the other day, I was thinking of a double hybrid combo that I think would look awesome once it's polished up.

What do you think?
I think I'm going to practice it some more. I think there's a lot of potential. (Also, can I say YAY! For finally feeling like I am getting a grip on my Performance Hybrids!!!!)

That's all for now!

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Basic Bull...Whip Cracking

I'm doing a small research project on Whips and whip cracking in general. Since I am not allowed to give a live demonstration, I put together this video featuring a bunch of basic whip cracks I know how to do.

I am quite proud of this vide. Primarily because it shows how much I know about the whip. If you asked me a week ago, "Scarlett, how much do you know about whip cracking" I would have said "Not Much, Mysterious Person I have probably never met". But looking at this, I feel kinda accomplished. It's not everything there is to know about the whips, but I think it's a very solid base and that's very important to me.

That's all for now.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Friday, February 24, 2012

Week 3 and I'm in Glee

It's week 3 I've been practicing that whip cracking routine I made up. I really think I see some improvement.

Here's last weeks:

And here's this weeks:

I think I can work on those flicks some more. I want to make sure they are 100% consistent. Which is not unreasonable. I also want to continue my work on keeping things relaxed and playing with stuff to do on my other hand.

YAY for progress!!!!!!!!!

More videos to come all due to an awesome practice session!!!!

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Student teaching Student.

As some of you may or may not know, I have an extensive background in martial arts training. I have a black belt in shotokan style karate and a purple belt in Tae Kwon Do. If I learned one thing throughout it all, it's this: never teach something you don't know.

That being said, I was asked to help out a friend (my brother's long time girlfriend and someone I like and respect) with her flicks. Problem is, I'm still working on perfecting those myself. So, in an effort not to leave her hanging, I asked for help from the person who has been helping me throughout this entire process: My boyfriend, Bryan.

Here's how it ended up:

Something you should know is that I have been very frustrated with my flicks lately and he is the ONLY thing that has kept me pushing through that. Ordinarily, I would have just quit and moved on to something else, pretending I knew what I was doing in that department when deep down I would like I had failed. So, all I have to say is thank god I have this guy around to keep me motivated and pushing me forward even when I am resisting.

That's all for now.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Monday, February 20, 2012

Week 2: Work it Out

So, as I mentioned in my last post, I have been feeling a tad discouraged. I feel like my progress in the past month has been minimal despite my practice. Today, I went out with le boy and he helped me with my flicks. I'm feeling a little better on those but definitely want to see if I can't fit some more practice in later this week.

I also have decided something else: I really like that whip routine I created. So, in an effort to improve my performance, I am going to do a video each week. That way I can view one think in the video I wish to improve. This week I focused on being a bit more fluid.

Here are the results:

Not perfect, but I do think there is some progress from this:

I think next week I am going to try to work on doing something with my free hand. I can't help but feel that is one of the culprits to making my movements seem stiff.

That's all for now.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Stiff to Flick

So I was watching my very first video I posted of me whipping and comparing it to my newer ones...

(Old Video)

(New Video)

..and I can't help but feel like I  haven't made too much progress. I suppose my cracks that I can do now are more challenging. But my entire body is super stiff and that frustrates me. I really was hoping to see more improvement as I have been practicing quite a bit. UGH! I suppose it has only been a month but still that's significant! I think next time I am going to work on being more fluid and getting my older cracks down. Something has to change in my efforts; I want to see more improvement..

That's all for now

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Monday, February 13, 2012

Getting Schooled for Valentine's Day

When i first started this journey I did not intend on making any tutorials. I always figured this was about my journey as a student, not a master or teacher.

...BUT... my arm got twisted via Bacon Cookies..Yes Bacon Cookies. I love bacon...you should also know I am Jewish..and a bad one at that. At any rate, religion aside, the concept of bacon cookies intrigued me. So, as  a Valentine's Day Gift exchange, my friend Jen gave me her Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Bacon Recipe in exchange for a small whip lesson.

Here it is:

Another thing I would like to add is that the weather is stupid. It was snowy and cold and windy. I literally went outside and filmed this video and left the park. So hopefully this weekend will have better weather. I just finished watching my Anthony DeLongis tape and it blew my mind. SO MUCH TO WORK ON!!!!

That's all for now.

Until Next Time,
Your Scarlett SnapDragon.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Love Hate Relationship

As you guys can tell by my videos, I have numerous area's that i use to practice. One of which is an indoor racket-ball court courtesy of my gym I belong to.

Today, feeling rather "slothish" I decide I want to tear myself out of bed and get my butt into the court (as it is too cold to go outside) to practice.

Much to my own dismay that after taking to effort to get dressed, pack up, and go to the court....the gym decided to do some renovations on the children's daycare area...leaving my precious racket ball court the only place for the children to frolic.

I love having an indoor space ..but not when it's covered in children. Not ideal in the least. At any rate, that killed my aspirations for practice today. I intend to go this weekend, both Saturday and Sunday, to practice and hopefully get some new videos up.

What's to come: Coachman-Victorian Cut back combo,  More attempts at the "Four Corners" Combo, and I would love to solidify my Tasmanian Cut-Back and my "Arrow Head" Combo..as neither of these are up to my standards at the moment.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Flickin Good Time

Friends, Romans, Country Men, Lend me your ears,
I HATE flicks. Why? Because they are the biggest twerps to learn. When I watch the tutorials, they're always like, "This is so easy and basic la la la". Well you know what? It isn't. I have found learning the flick has been my greatest challenge. Even more so than learning new combinations. At least with those, I try them a few times and get some of the combo down after a few hours. Not the case with flicks. I've been working on these suckers for MONTHS! and still I find them to be less consistent than I'd like.

Any way, I thought I'd show you all a video featuring a bunch of flicks and some other cracks that go with them nicely. AND I'm using both hands!

So, I hope you enjoyed. I also hope you realize that getting those flicks to where they are now has taken at least 6 months. It did not happen over night. So if you're struggling with the flicks, have a little hope. They're nasty little buggers, but I have faith you will get it eventually. Just don't give up.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Sunday, February 5, 2012

A Flickin' Good Time

My boyfriend showed me this combination and I am quite fond of it. It plays with the various types of flicks and the many different angles you can use...if that makes any sense.

Any way, this is a video of my first practice session with it. Looking at the footage I can see that my body is stiff. I think this is due to A. the newness of the combinations and B. the fact that I feel like I have to put in extra effort for a lot of my flicks as my wrist muscles are not strong.

Here is the video, I think you will see what I mean:

At any rate, I am going to the park again today with the goal of making this combination smoother along with other things.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Friday, February 3, 2012

Pinkie and the Brain: They're taking over the Park

The next whips I use I lovingly call "Pinkie" and "Brain". They are my matching stock whips. Once again they are made from Nylon. and Here they are:

Their colors are Rose Pink and Black

Now when I was getting them, I wasn't too sure on the length. My boy has about 6ft long matching stocks (I believe) and they are very heavy for me. So I wanted to go shorter. At any rate, I wasn't sure whether 5 ft of 4 1/2ft was the way to go. I am VERY happy I got 4 1/2 ft. They have been very good for me and they are nice and quick. I love them and they are very well constructed.

I purchased these whips from the lovely Greg DeSaye. You can find him at:


Like I said, most of my whips are made from him as he makes excellent quality nylon whips.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon