Friday, May 25, 2012

News and an Apology

Alright so let's start with the apology. I am sorry I've been a tad incognito. Its been extremely busy. I have also been out of reach of a proper computer over the last week or so. Not that it's an excuse but still just throwing that out there.  I would also like to warn you that from end of June -beginning of August, I will be EXTREMELY busy working 2 jobs trying to save up for when school begins again. So just an FYI.

And now for the news!!!:

I heard back from the folks I did an audition for and they want me! Yay! I will not be doing as much fighting as I had hoped for but I still very happy I am doing something. I think it's going to be an awesome experience regardless because I am new to the stage combat realm and this will be my first official fighting gig. YAY!

More good news is I have some new videos up on YouTube, if you want a sneak peak at what I am going to be talking about in the near future.

I am also in the works of putting together a presentation to bring around to high schools in my area discussing the whip as a weapon/ its uses in stage combat. My biggest challenge will be making it long enough and entertaining at the same time. We shall have to see!

I will post again soon!

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Moving Right Along

So I'm still waiting to hear back from my fight call (although I was informed that another week is going to be required so I'm not concerned)

It's a beautiful day today, so I am headed out. I'm going to focus on cracking combo's that'll work well when wearing very unusual costumes that may limit the possibilities.

More Very soon! I promise!!!!!!!!!!

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Low Clearance

So as most of you may or may not know, a lot of my whip cracking is focused on the intention for it to be used in a Theatrical Setting.  A lot of times, I am working in a theatre with little to no fly space. AKA: NO ROOM ABOVE MY HEAD!!!!. This makes it very difficult to actually do on crack which falls along a vertical plain. I suppose flicks would be the exception because you don't need space for the swing up.

At any rate, here is a video of something I was playing with:

Information: I was asked to do this musical number in a showcase involving my whip. However, there are very few 8 counts to play with (hence the brief length of the whip cracking).

I think I'm going to play with this more, as the possibilities are endless with some imagination. So stay tuned, this weekend is supposed to be beautiful as far as the weather is concerned. I should be able to get to the park!

Side note: No word back from my fight call. They said I should hear within a week or two (last week) so this week starts the beginning of the waiting period. Stay tuned on that note!

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Thursday, May 10, 2012

What a To Do To Die Today

Hey there guys,

Sorry I've been a tad incognito lately. I've been stupidly busy the past week although next week things should be lightening up (or if not next week the week after for sure!)

I'm going to be going to the park this weekend to work on a few things so stay tuned.

As far as my callbacks are concerned, only time will tell. I think I did alright but honestly it's very difficult to say. They said I should hear back from them within two weeks (from Sunday), possibly a week if I was lucky. So starting Monday I'm going to be practically attached to my phone. I will keep you all posted though.

At any rate, some fun news is that the director of this showcase I am taking part in is allowing me to use my whip during a musical number.  I think it's pretty cool. Show goes up next week, I'll let you know how that pans out too.

That's really all I got for now.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Fight Call

Alright Guys and Ghouls,

Tomorrow I have a fight call that I am super excited for, so please send me all the good luck vibes you can because I am so going for it. Ordinarily I'd say I'm nervous but to be honest, I'm mostly excited to just get fighting.

My fears: to screw up
My Hopes: to rock out loud and kick ass
My Dream: To do so well that they hire me to play the character I want

I'll keep you all posted on what happens.

At any rate, Busy week this week but hopefully will have some more videos up soon

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Everybody was Bull Whip Fighting!

And now....Ladies and Gents..I present to you...a much awaited video..that's right..a BULL WHIP VS BULL WHIP FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Cue "Eye of the Tiger" Music*

Imagine this:

Two Whip crackers from the same shire, both claiming to be the best. But there's only 1 way to prove it (DUM DUM DDUUUHHHHH!!!!) A Duel of Whips! Man vs Fe Man! Skill versus skill.

Now, without further ado, I present:

Bryan (My boyfriend) and I only worked on this for maybe 2 hours. We both choreographed it together and seeing as neither of us have done anything like this before, I think came out ok. It's a tad slow (1/4-1/2 the performance speed) but even still not so bad. There are definitely places for improvement and we would love to add to it to make it longer/more cracking balanced (you can see he cracks the whip a lot more then I do, so we would like to try to even it out a bit).  At any rate, I hope you enjoy it (despite the cheeseyness of it's intro!)

I have a fight call coming up this week so wish me luck!

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon