Monday, March 26, 2012

This is a Test

In precisely T-minus 9 days, I leave for the Ranch. I cannot wait. It's going to be amazing! I get to A. Practice and Study the Whip (with a little Rapier on the side) B. Practice and Study the Whip with someone who's a Master at it and C. Get to Practice and Study the Whip in a location that is absolutely gorgeous. What could be better?

So I was suggested by a new Whip Cracking Buddy of mine named Daniel to try out some exercises. When he first suggested them I though, "Really? That's it? Alright, I'll try it but I know I can do that already"......(*cough cough* WRONG). Since I'm open to trying *almost* anything once and this guy knows what he's doing, I figured I'd better give it try despite any feelings of "well I can do that".

Here are the results:

This first exercise was to help me get used to my double whips. It forces my brain to have my body to two things at once, as simple as they may be. Let me tell you, it was like a tongue twister for my body. (as evident by the expression on my face)

If you'll excuse my language: Jesus Mother Fuck that was tricky. Once I got my volley's going and then started doing the cattlemen's, my brain would go into overload. I was never very good at multi-tasking so this was crazy for me.

This second exercise has to do with slowing everything down.

What I learned from this was, It's easier to speed things up...but a lot harder to slow things down. While I did get through the "Four Corners" fairly well, it took a lot of concentration. I found myself pushing to speed things up, and I would have to really focus on keeping it slow.

Lesson learned: Listen to your elders, they know what they are doing. Haha. In all seriousness though, These exercises are great, and I'm excited to keep trying them because I feel that they are 100% going to only help my technique and knowledge of the whip.

Fair Warning: This week is very busy for me. I have a show I'm working on that is up and I have a fundraiser that's an all night/day affair coming up this week too. So It may take a while for me to post again/have more videos. But, rest assured I will be keeping you all posted on my journey to the Ranch, thank god for smart phones!

Alright everyone, wish me a Bon Voyage and I will probably be seeing you on the Ranch, if not a tad sooner!

That's all I got for now.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Many Miles to Go

T-minus two weeks until the Ranch people! I am static! Particularly because I have a super packed two weeks which means *hopefully* it'll go by fast.

I had received Anthony's whip cracking videos as a Christmas/Chanuka present (I am Jew...ish with a little christian blood in me by birth) and one of the things Anthony goes over is a thing he calls the "Four Corners".

Here's my attempt at it:

To be honest, I am not 100% certain I am doing it correctly. I'm hoping to get more specific instruction when I get out tot he Ranch. I'm also thinking of re-visiting the part in the video where he goes over this. That would probably help! haha.

Anyways, I'm hoping this Saturday will be nice enough weather to hit the park.

That's all for now!

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Week 5: Feeling the Jive

First off I would like to announce that I finally got to break out my whips this weekend..thank god! It was so sad to be all cooped up in my room with my whip bag sitting in the corner untouched (as I'm sure I've mentioned several times at this point)

Any who, moving right along this is week 5 of my "flick combo" I've been working on and I'm happy to say that it only took 1 take to get it right. All the other video's of this combo that I've posted took a few, so 1 take is an accomplishment.

Here it is:

Definitely feeling more relaxed with this. And It has helped me be able to do at least 5 flicks in a row successfully (ie my flicks are much more consistent then they were before). Feeling good, feeling good.

That's all I got for now. More soon to come!

Until Next Time,
Scarlett SnapDragon

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Setting The Record Straight

Hey everyone.

So I just wanted to clear something up. I've gotten a lot of "invitations" over the past three months to join"alternative lifestyle" groups from people who have either read my blog or seen my videos. Not that I have anything against those people who choose that lifestyle, I just have no interest in it.

My whip cracking is a sport and an art, not a sexual fetish, not for me. I appreciate the sentiment but honestly, I really am not interested.

Don't take this as an insult. I think everyone is entitled to be happy and do what they feel is right so long as it doesn't physically harm anyone else who chooses a different path. It's just I am find those matters personal and private.  Just as I respect someone who wants to do wild and crazy things, I want to be respected for my decisions too.

So Thank you, I do appreciate the thought but I would like to politely decline from all invitations henceforth.

That being said, I'm hoping to get some practice outside this week. It might be a tad difficult because I have a lot to do this week. But, I think I can find some time. I'm going to try anyways.

That's all for now.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Monday, March 12, 2012

Good News Bad News

I'll start with the bad news:

Because of the stupid amounts of work i had to do this past week, I was unable to get any practice in. Sad times, I have to say. I was busy working and looking at my whip bag in the corner of my room, un-touched in almost a week. It was heartbreaking.

The good news, however, is that because I worked so hard this past week, I might be able to squeeze some practice in this week. YAY! I'm really hoping to sharpen my skills before heading off to the DeLongis Ranch. I am super excited for it!

Anyway, that's really all for now.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Warning: Rough Roads Ahead

At the moment I am working on a show as a Makeup Designer and it is going to be performed in a few weeks time....This means that I am going into panic mode as I scrabble through all of my papers and actors to get them looking like perfection.

That being said, I am hopeful yet doubtful I will be able to get out and practice a lot in the coming weeks...-sad llama-. We shall have to wait and see if I can squeeze some time in somewhere. Even if I could practice for 10 minutes once a week, that's way better then nothing. SO, cross your fingers folks. I would really love to keep up the work.

That being said, I would like to show you my videos.

This is the first week I ever did that combination I've been working on (Although honestly, I could have sworn I've been working on it longer..odd how time goes. I suppose with delays on uploading, and practicing 5 days later rather then a week later, things tend to shift ):

Here's my latest on that:

Improvement? I think so!  I feel like in the second one, I'm much more fluid and my cracks are more consistent. Go works in progress, Go!

Like I said, I am going to try my darndest to get in some sort of practice this week. My usual day is has been already eaten up by research and shopping for supplies for the show. Hopefully, That won't take all day and by the evening I will have a few moments to spare. That would be awesome.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon. 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

DeLongis Time I Have Dreamed...

..if you'll pardon the pun. So, in 1 MONTH I will be starting my training with Master Anthony DeLongis and I CAN NOT WAIT! I am absolutely stoked beyond compare. So in preparation for that, I am going to (in brief) take a look at what I have done in the past 2 or so month to help prepare.

Here is my first video I ever posted on YouTube (One whip):

Here is one of the first video's I've posted with two whips:

Here is the lastest with one whip:

And here is one of my latest with two whips:

I don't know about all y'all, but I see a world of difference. If I keep this up, I will improve a little more over the next month and Anthony will be a little impressed with all of my hard least that is the hope!

Anyways, I'm feeling great about this and cannot wait to crack my whips on the Ranch.

That's all for now.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Week 4, Ready for Some More?

Alright everyone, this is week 4 of me practicing this routine and can I say that I am truly proud of myself. The cracks are becoming more consistant and I think this whole experience had helped to improve my overall technique outside of this combination.

So here's last week's video:

Not bad aside from the line moving down the back of the wall that is wiggin' me out a little bit (haha)

And now for this weeks:

Once again, I feel that I see some good improvements. Which, may I say, feel awesome.

That's all for now.

Until Next Time,
Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thought into Practice

So remember that thought I had last time? Well I put it into practice using it in double time AND creating a routine for me to work on!

I am especially happy about this because this routine will prove to be both satisfying (in that I do know a lot of the crack involved) and challenging (in that there are still things to work on)

Can I get an Amen?

I had a video-taping spree today so much more to come soon!

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon