Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Just a Thought...

Hey all!

So while I was practicing my whips the other day, I was thinking of a double hybrid combo that I think would look awesome once it's polished up.

What do you think?
I think I'm going to practice it some more. I think there's a lot of potential. (Also, can I say YAY! For finally feeling like I am getting a grip on my Performance Hybrids!!!!)

That's all for now!

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Basic Bull...Whip Cracking

I'm doing a small research project on Whips and whip cracking in general. Since I am not allowed to give a live demonstration, I put together this video featuring a bunch of basic whip cracks I know how to do.

I am quite proud of this vide. Primarily because it shows how much I know about the whip. If you asked me a week ago, "Scarlett, how much do you know about whip cracking" I would have said "Not Much, Mysterious Person I have probably never met". But looking at this, I feel kinda accomplished. It's not everything there is to know about the whips, but I think it's a very solid base and that's very important to me.

That's all for now.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Friday, February 24, 2012

Week 3 and I'm in Glee

It's week 3 I've been practicing that whip cracking routine I made up. I really think I see some improvement.

Here's last weeks:

And here's this weeks:

I think I can work on those flicks some more. I want to make sure they are 100% consistent. Which is not unreasonable. I also want to continue my work on keeping things relaxed and playing with stuff to do on my other hand.

YAY for progress!!!!!!!!!

More videos to come all due to an awesome practice session!!!!

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Student teaching Student.

As some of you may or may not know, I have an extensive background in martial arts training. I have a black belt in shotokan style karate and a purple belt in Tae Kwon Do. If I learned one thing throughout it all, it's this: never teach something you don't know.

That being said, I was asked to help out a friend (my brother's long time girlfriend and someone I like and respect) with her flicks. Problem is, I'm still working on perfecting those myself. So, in an effort not to leave her hanging, I asked for help from the person who has been helping me throughout this entire process: My boyfriend, Bryan.

Here's how it ended up:

Something you should know is that I have been very frustrated with my flicks lately and he is the ONLY thing that has kept me pushing through that. Ordinarily, I would have just quit and moved on to something else, pretending I knew what I was doing in that department when deep down I would like I had failed. So, all I have to say is thank god I have this guy around to keep me motivated and pushing me forward even when I am resisting.

That's all for now.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Monday, February 20, 2012

Week 2: Work it Out

So, as I mentioned in my last post, I have been feeling a tad discouraged. I feel like my progress in the past month has been minimal despite my practice. Today, I went out with le boy and he helped me with my flicks. I'm feeling a little better on those but definitely want to see if I can't fit some more practice in later this week.

I also have decided something else: I really like that whip routine I created. So, in an effort to improve my performance, I am going to do a video each week. That way I can view one think in the video I wish to improve. This week I focused on being a bit more fluid.

Here are the results:

Not perfect, but I do think there is some progress from this:

I think next week I am going to try to work on doing something with my free hand. I can't help but feel that is one of the culprits to making my movements seem stiff.

That's all for now.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Stiff to Flick

So I was watching my very first video I posted of me whipping and comparing it to my newer ones...

(Old Video)

(New Video)

..and I can't help but feel like I  haven't made too much progress. I suppose my cracks that I can do now are more challenging. But my entire body is super stiff and that frustrates me. I really was hoping to see more improvement as I have been practicing quite a bit. UGH! I suppose it has only been a month but still that's significant! I think next time I am going to work on being more fluid and getting my older cracks down. Something has to change in my efforts; I want to see more improvement..

That's all for now

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Monday, February 13, 2012

Getting Schooled for Valentine's Day

When i first started this journey I did not intend on making any tutorials. I always figured this was about my journey as a student, not a master or teacher.

...BUT... my arm got twisted via Bacon Cookies..Yes Bacon Cookies. I love bacon...you should also know I am Jewish..and a bad one at that. At any rate, religion aside, the concept of bacon cookies intrigued me. So, as  a Valentine's Day Gift exchange, my friend Jen gave me her Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Bacon Recipe in exchange for a small whip lesson.

Here it is:

Another thing I would like to add is that the weather is stupid. It was snowy and cold and windy. I literally went outside and filmed this video and left the park. So hopefully this weekend will have better weather. I just finished watching my Anthony DeLongis tape and it blew my mind. SO MUCH TO WORK ON!!!!

That's all for now.

Until Next Time,
Your Scarlett SnapDragon.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Love Hate Relationship

As you guys can tell by my videos, I have numerous area's that i use to practice. One of which is an indoor racket-ball court courtesy of my gym I belong to.

Today, feeling rather "slothish" I decide I want to tear myself out of bed and get my butt into the court (as it is too cold to go outside) to practice.

Much to my own dismay that after taking to effort to get dressed, pack up, and go to the court....the gym decided to do some renovations on the children's daycare area...leaving my precious racket ball court the only place for the children to frolic.

I love having an indoor space ..but not when it's covered in children. Not ideal in the least. At any rate, that killed my aspirations for practice today. I intend to go this weekend, both Saturday and Sunday, to practice and hopefully get some new videos up.

What's to come: Coachman-Victorian Cut back combo,  More attempts at the "Four Corners" Combo, and I would love to solidify my Tasmanian Cut-Back and my "Arrow Head" Combo..as neither of these are up to my standards at the moment.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Flickin Good Time

Friends, Romans, Country Men, Lend me your ears,
I HATE flicks. Why? Because they are the biggest twerps to learn. When I watch the tutorials, they're always like, "This is so easy and basic la la la". Well you know what? It isn't. I have found learning the flick has been my greatest challenge. Even more so than learning new combinations. At least with those, I try them a few times and get some of the combo down after a few hours. Not the case with flicks. I've been working on these suckers for MONTHS! and still I find them to be less consistent than I'd like.

Any way, I thought I'd show you all a video featuring a bunch of flicks and some other cracks that go with them nicely. AND I'm using both hands!

So, I hope you enjoyed. I also hope you realize that getting those flicks to where they are now has taken at least 6 months. It did not happen over night. So if you're struggling with the flicks, have a little hope. They're nasty little buggers, but I have faith you will get it eventually. Just don't give up.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Sunday, February 5, 2012

A Flickin' Good Time

My boyfriend showed me this combination and I am quite fond of it. It plays with the various types of flicks and the many different angles you can use...if that makes any sense.

Any way, this is a video of my first practice session with it. Looking at the footage I can see that my body is stiff. I think this is due to A. the newness of the combinations and B. the fact that I feel like I have to put in extra effort for a lot of my flicks as my wrist muscles are not strong.

Here is the video, I think you will see what I mean:

At any rate, I am going to the park again today with the goal of making this combination smoother along with other things.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon

Friday, February 3, 2012

Pinkie and the Brain: They're taking over the Park

The next whips I use I lovingly call "Pinkie" and "Brain". They are my matching stock whips. Once again they are made from Nylon. and Here they are:

Their colors are Rose Pink and Black

Now when I was getting them, I wasn't too sure on the length. My boy has about 6ft long matching stocks (I believe) and they are very heavy for me. So I wanted to go shorter. At any rate, I wasn't sure whether 5 ft of 4 1/2ft was the way to go. I am VERY happy I got 4 1/2 ft. They have been very good for me and they are nice and quick. I love them and they are very well constructed.

I purchased these whips from the lovely Greg DeSaye. You can find him at:


Like I said, most of my whips are made from him as he makes excellent quality nylon whips.

Until Next Time,

Your Scarlett SnapDragon